Steph Wheen – Time to PLAY | Gympanzees

Stephanie Wheen swings into the studio today!

Stephanie is the driving force and reason behind why there’s finally a mega facility for SEN and Sensory play for children and their families/carers to come and have a great time. The facility and team will also use the space to help push the frontiers of help and research given to those in need of the space.

Stephanie is the CEO and Founder at Gympanzees, a multi award winning charity providing play and exercise for disabled children. This latest step of a new facility is a huge win for the disabled community, so watch this space!

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In these 10 chapters I walk you though the crisis cycle and share insights from my own journey. I share tips on how you can make your story the strategy to grow a purposeful business. Also, which processes to have in place to help you weather the storms as they arise.